Hire better, perform better!
Academic Work connects the best talents with companies that need their skills. So that you can grow and find the right direction in a constantly changing job market.
We empower and support professionals every day
Ever since our beginnings in 1998, we have strived to build a culture in which people feel energized, where curiosity is encouraged and where we give support and care for each other. We are a family of brands, and just like other families we share a common history and a joint future.
We are really proud of what we have accompliced so far
We have helped a lot of people
Through our dedicated efforts, we’ve helped many individuals secure meaningful employment and start their professional journeys.
Successful recruitments
We are really proud that we have helped over 100k people pursuit their dream,
Recruitment specialists
With presens in 6 different countries and 25 different offices we cover a wast region and areas
Are you looking for top talent in Tech, Finance, or IT?
Our expertise lies in recruiting the best professionals in Tech, Finance, and IT. Let us help you find the right fit for your team and drive your business.
Trusted by
We take pride in our client relationships
What our clients say about us
Without our collaboration with Academic Work I'm not sure that we would able to do what we do today.
John Doe - Placeholder
Reception Manger
How we contribute
Our planet
Sedan 2004 har vi skänkt en procent av vår vinst till skolprojekten i Zambia, något vi kallar The one percent movement.
För att lyckas med omställningen till ett hållbart samhälle behövs människor med rätt kompetens. Människor med meningsfulla och inspirerande jobb, som kan driva förändring. Vi är fast beslutna att lyfta fram den potential som finns inom oss alla. På så sätt kan vi göra en bestående skillnad i människors liv, och skapa en positiv inverkan på människan, miljön och samhället. Vår ambition är att alla våra medarbetare ska känna glädje över sina jobb, och hjälpa dem förverkliga sin fulla potential. Vi strävar efter att vara den främsta karriärpartnern för karriärskiftare samt studenter och akademiker i början av karriären.
Articles & insights